Procedural Geometry ------------------- This tutorial shows how to use procedural shapes to define geometry. This capability was introduced in the 21.1 release. Simple shapes (cylinder and bends) will be defined and combined to create the geometry. Each shape is controlled by parameters. Filters are applied to the shapes to transform (scale, translate, rotate) the geometry, or flip the normal vector orientation (internal vs external flow). Boolean operations are used to combine the shapes. The primary focus of this tutorial is to build the geometry. This is done in SMS mode (see :ref:`SMS meshing workflow tutorial ` for more details). Create a new project ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - On the main menu click on the |newfolder| New button. - Create a new project by double-clicking on "Blank" template. - Enter a project name and browse to a location for the new project. .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_new_project.png :width: 12cm :alt: create project - If you have not switched to SMS workflow, you will be prompted to switch. Accept SMS mode. Create the geometry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First, create a cylinder: Go to the ``Geometry`` pane: - Choose |geometry| -> ``Procedural > Cylinder`` as the geometry input (named ``cylinder``). .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_new_cylinder.png :width: 12cm :alt: Procedural Cylinder - Enter the cylinder's parameters: - Radius = ``0.05`` m, Height = ``0.225`` m, Resolution = ``20`` - Start angle= ``0`` deg, end angle = ``360`` deg, resolution = ``32`` - Check the ``Bottom cap`` and ``Top cap`` check boxes and set the resolution to ``5`` for both caps. .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_cylinder.png :width: 12cm :alt: Procedural Cylinder - Save the project by clicking the |save| button. Next, create a bend: Go to the ``Geometry`` pane: - Choose |geometry| -> ``Procedural > Bend`` as the geometry input (named "bend"). - Enter the bend's parameters: - **Front section:** Radius = ``0.02`` m, Length = ``0.05`` m, Resolution = ``10`` - **Back section:** Radius = ``0.05`` m, Length = ``0.25`` m, Resolution = ``20`` - **Bend section:** Major radius = ``0.075`` m, Minor radius = ``0.02`` m, Start angle= ``0`` deg, end angle = ``90`` deg, resolution = ``16`` - **Circumference:** Start angle= ``0`` deg, end angle = ``360`` deg, resolution = ``16`` - Check the ``Bottom cap`` and ``Top cap`` check boxes and set the resolution to ``3`` for both caps. Leave Offset = ``0`` .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_bend_settings.png :width: 12cm :alt: Bend settings - Rotate and translate the bend: - Select the bend (named ``bend``) - Add a filter: |filter| -> ``transform`` - Set a Translation of ``0.025`` m in the X-direction, ``0.15`` m in the Y-direction, and ``0.05`` m in the Z-direction. - Rotate ``-90`` deg in the Z-direction. .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_bend.png :width: 12cm :alt: Bend after transform filter - Combine the cylinder and the bend (union): - Select the cylinder (named ``cylinder``) - While holding the ``ctrl`` key, select the transformed bend (named ``tranform``) - Press the |union| button .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_cyl_bend_union.png :width: 12cm :alt: Combine cylinder and bend - Save the project by clicking the |save| button. Next, create another bend: Go to the ``Geometry`` pane: - Choose |geometry| -> ``Procedural > Bend`` as the geometry input (named ``bend1``). - Enter the bend's parameters: - **Front section:** Radius = ``0.02`` m, Length = ``0.1`` m, Resolution = ``10`` - **Back section:** Radius = ``0.02`` m, Length = ``0.1`` m, Resolution = ``10`` - **Bend section:** Major radius = ``0.05`` m, Minor radius = ``0.02`` m, Start angle= ``0`` deg, end angle = ``90`` deg, resolution = ``10`` - **Circumference:** Start angle= ``0`` deg, end angle = ``360`` deg, resolution = ``16`` - Check the ``Bottom cap`` and ``Top cap`` check boxes and set the resolution to ``3`` for both caps. Leave Offset = ``0`` .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_bend1_settings.png :width: 12cm :alt: Bend1 settings - Rotate and translate the bend: - Select the bend (named ``bend1``) - Add a filter: |filter| -> ``transform`` - Set a Translation of ``-0.005`` m in the X-direction, ``0.25`` m in the Y-direction, and ``-0.05`` m in the Z-direction. - Rotate ``90`` deg in the Z-direction. .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_bend1_transform.png :width: 12cm :alt: Bend after transform filter - Combine the bend and the previous geometry (union): - Select the transformed bend (named ``transform1``) - While holding the ``ctrl`` key, select the previous geometry (named ``union``) - Press the |union| button. This will create a new ``union1`` geometry. - Save the project by clicking the |save| button. Check the geometry orientation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Visualize and flip the orientation (normal vectors) of the geometry: - In the model window, show the Geometry, hide the Background Mesh, Hide the Regions (visibility is toggled by clicking on each icon). Set the Geometry style to ``edges``, opacity to 1.0, check the ``Show normals`` box, set the ``Scale`` to 0.01, set ``count`` to 10,000 (to show all normals). The normal vectors must point towards the fluid region (here towards the inside of the geometry). However we see that the normals point in the opposite direction (outwards the fluid region). This means we need to flip the normals to correct the orientation. .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_show_normals.png :width: 12cm :alt: Show normals - Select the ``union1`` geometry, - Add a filter: |filter| -> ``flip normals``. Now the vecors point towards the fluid region. The tips of the arrows are not visible, but we can see the origin (shown as a dot at the center of each face). .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_flip_normals.png :width: 12cm :alt: Show normals - Save the project by clicking the |save| button. - Toggle the Region visibility back on. - In ``Domain extent``, enter the following: - X-direction: Min = ``-0.055`` m, Max = ``0.055`` m. - Y-direction: Min = ``0.01`` m, Max = ``0.35`` m. - Z-direction: Min = ``-0.1`` m, Max = ``0.18`` m. Note that the inlets and outlet extend beyond the domain extents. This is intentional, as it usually provides a cleaner intersection and easier way to define boundary conditions regions when they are aligned with the domain box (planes along x=xmin, x=xmax etc.). - Save the project by clicking the |save| button. Create boundary conditions regions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Go to the ``Regions`` pane: - There is already a ``Background IC`` that is predefined in the Blank template. We can ignore it for now. - Click the |top_region| button to create a new region to be used by a mass inlet boundary condition. - Select ``Mass inlet`` in the Boundary type drop down menu. - Enter a name for the region in the Name field ("top inlet"). - Change the region Color to Red. - Click the |bottom_region| button to create a new region to be used by another mass inlet boundary condition. - Select ``Mass inlet`` in the Boundary type drop down menu. - Enter a name for the region in the Name field ("bottom inlet"). - Change the region Color to Pink. - Click the |back_region| button to create a new region to be used by pressure outlet boundary condition. - Select ``Pressure Outflow`` in the Boundary type drop down menu. - Enter a name for the region in the Name field ("outlet"). - Change the region Color to Yellow. - click the |all_region| button to create a new region that covers the entire domain to be used for the wall boundary condition. - Select ``No-slip wall`` in the Boundary type drop down menu. - Enter a name for the region in the Name field ("wall"). - Change the region Color to Green. - Check ``Select facets (STL)`` and ``flip_normals``, use ``all`` for the selection method. You should see that there are 4003 facets selected. .. note:: The pressure outlet and mass inflow boundaries are located along the domain box. They are defined as rectangular 2D regions and must overlap the actual boundary areas (intersection of the STL file with the box planes). The exact boundary area will be computed automatically when preprocessing is performed. .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_bc_regions.png :width: 12cm :alt: Regions - click the |all_region| button to create a new region that will be used as initial condition region. This is not needed to generate the mesh, but will be used later when setting up the simulation. - Leave the Boundary type to ``None``. - Enter a name for the region in the Name field ("init bed"). - Change the region Color to Black. - Set the Y-extent form ``ymin`` to ``0.15`` m. - Save the project by clicking the |save| button. Setup the mesh ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Go to the ``Mesh`` pane, ``Background`` sub-pane: - Enter ``15`` for the x cell value. - Enter ``35`` for the y cell value. - Enter ``30`` for the z cell value. Go to the ``Mesh`` pane, ``Mesher`` sub-pane: - Set the Facet angle tolerance to ``0.0`` deg. (The geometry unions have created elongated triangles we need to keep). - Click ``Generate``. - Look at the console output to verify the mesh generation completed successfully. - In the Model view, hide the Geometry, Background Mesh and Regions, show the Boundary_Mesh, set Color by to ``bc_id``, Style to ``edges`` and opacity to ``1.0``. - The Boundary_Mesh should look like a closed surface with colors matching the Boundary Conditions regions. .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_mesh.png :width: 12cm :alt: Mesh colored by bc_id After inspection, the mesh is deemed acceptable and we can move to setting up the simulation (Solver mode). Click ``Accept``. This will unlock the Modeler tab. Model settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Switch to the Modeler tab (second tab at the bottom left corner of the GUI). - On the ``Model`` pane, enter a descriptive text in the ``Description`` field. - Select "Discrete Element Model (MFiX-DEM)" in the ``Solver`` drop-down menu. - Keep all other settings at their default values. Regions settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We already have set all the regions, there is no change required in this pane. Fluid settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Change Density to ``Ideal gas law``. - Keep all other settings at their default values. Solids settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On the ``Solids`` pane, ``Materials`` sub-pane: - Click the |add| button to create a new solid. - Verify the solids model is already set to "Discrete Element Model (MFiX-DEM)". - Enter the particle diameter of ``0.005`` m in the ``Diameter`` field. - Enter the particle density of ``2700`` kg/m\ :sup:`3` in the ``Density`` field. - Select the ``Solids`` pane, ``DEM`` sub-pane. - Check the ``Enable automatic particle generation`` checkbox. - Keep all other settings at their default values. Initial Conditions settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On the ``Initial conditions`` pane: - There is already a ``Background IC`` region that initializes the entire domain as stagnant air. We only need to add solids at the bottom. - Create a new initial condition region by clicking the |add| button. - Select the ``init bed`` region, go to the ``Solid 1`` tab and enter ``0.5`` for the volume fraction. Boundary Conditions settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On the ``Boundary conditions`` pane: - Select the ``top inlet`` region. In the ``Solids 1`` tab, enter ``0.2`` for the volume fraction and ``-0.2`` for the Y-axial velocity. - Select the ``bottom inlet`` region. Stay on the ``Fluid`` tab, enter ``4.0`` for the Y-axial velocity. - The outlet Boundary Conditions is already set to atmospheric pressure. No changes are needed. - The Wall Boundary Conditions is already set to No-slip wall. No changes are needed. Numerics settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On the ``Numerics`` pane: - On the Residual pane: set the Fluid normalization to ``0.0`` and the flui pressure correction scale factor to ``1.0`` - On the Preconditioner tab, set the preconditioner to ``None`` for all equations. Output settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ On the ``Output`` pane: - On the ``Basic`` sub-pane, check the ``Write VTK output files (VTU/VTP)`` checkbox. - Select the ``VTK`` sub-pane. - Create a new output by clicking the |add| button. - Select "Particle Data" from the 'Output type' drop-down menu. - Select the "Background IC" region from the list to save all the particle data. - Click ``OK`` to create the output. - Enter a base name for the ``*.vtu`` files in the ``Filename base`` field ("Particles"). - Change the ``Write interval`` to ``0.01`` seconds. - Select the ``Diameter`` and ``Translational Velocity`` check-boxes. Run settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Save the project by clicking the |save| button. On the ``Run`` pane: - Set the Stop time to ``1.0``. - Set the Time step to ``0.001``. - Set the Maximum time step to ``0.01``. - Keep all other settings at their default values. Run the simulation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Run the project by clicking the |play| button. - On the ``Run`` dialog, select the executable from the combo-box. - Click the ``Run`` button to actually start the simulation. View results ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Results can be viewed, and plotted, while the simulation is running. - Create a new visualization tab by pressing the |add| next to the `Model` tab. - Click the ``3D view`` button to view the vtk output files. - On the ``VTK`` results tab, the visibility and representation of the ``*.vtk`` files can be controlled with the menu on the side. - Change frames with the |first|, |back|, |next|, and |last| buttons. - Click the |play| button to play the available vtk files. - Change the playback speed under the |speed| section on the sidebar. .. figure:: /media/Proc_stl_demo_results.png :width: 12cm :alt: Visualization of the results .. include:: /icons.rst