2.3. Linux Installation¶
MFiX has been developed and tested on the following linux distributions:
Ubuntu 18.10
CentOS 7
Other recent releases of Linux are likely to work. If you have an issue running MFiX works your distro, ask for help at Support Forum.
2.3.1. Install Anaconda¶
Download the 64-bit, Python 3, Linux version of Anaconda (~500 MB download) or Miniconda (~50 MB download).
For instance, with the Anaconda installer:
Open a terminal
to the directory of the downloaded installer (for example~/Downloads
)Run the downloaded installer (At the time of this writing,
sh Anaconda3-2021.05-Linux-x86_64.sh⏎
.You will be asked to review the License, hit enter
Hit the space bar until you get to the end of the license agreement.
Agree to the license by typing
and hitting enterWhen prompted for an installation location, hit enter to use the default.
When prompted to add the conda bin directory to
, enteryes
and hit enter.
Anaconda is now installed. In order for the changes to take effect, close the
terminal and open a new one. Verify that your PATH
was updated by running
in the new terminal.
2.3.2. Install MFiX¶
After installing Anaconda, install MFiX with the following steps:
Open the Terminal application for your Linux desktop
Browse to MFiX Download (requires registration and login)
Copy the conda command.
Paste it in the Terminal.
If you already installed MFiX, you may see the following message. Select y
to confirm.
WARNING: A conda environment already exists
Remove existing environment (y/[n])? y
MFiX will be installed in a new conda environment. The process will take a few minutes to complete.
2.3.3. Install Solver Build Dependencies (optional)¶
Build dependencies are needed for building a custom interactive solver. If you only use the default solver, you can skip this step.
Building the MFiX solver requires:
Fortran 2003 compiler (GFortran 4.8 or later)
GNU Make
For DMP support, an MPI implementation (such as OpenMPI)
For building with other compilers, or for building with DMP, see Building Custom Interactive Solver.
Installing GCC and Make through your system package manager (such as apt
) is recommended.
2.3.4. Install DMP/MPI Solver Build Dependencies¶
To build and run MFiX with DMP, you will need an MPI implementation installed, such as OpenMPI.
To install OpenMPI on Ubuntu/Debian derived distributions:
$ sudo apt install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev
To install OpenMPI on Fedora/RHEL/Centos derived distributions:
$ sudo yum install openmpi-devel
$ module load mpi
2.3.5. Run MFiX in Conda Environment¶
To run MFiX:
Open a terminal
conda activate mfix-21.4
to start MFiX
Your prompt should look something like this:
> conda env create -n mfix-21.4 mfix/mfix-21.4-linux64
> conda env list
# conda environments:
base * /home/user/anaconda3
mfix-21.4 /home/user/anaconda3/envs/mfix-21.4
> conda activate mfix-21.4
(mfix-21.4) > conda env list
# conda environments:
base /home/user/anaconda3
mfix-21.4 * /home/user/anaconda3/envs/mfix-21.4
(mfix-21.4) > mfix
You are now ready to proceed to the First Tutorial and Tutorials.
Activating a conda environment sets certain environment variables such as PATH in the current shell. It does not create a new shell session.
You will need to activate the environment every time before running MFiX.
2.3.6. Deactivate Conda Environment¶
After using MFiX you can just exit
to leave the terminal session. However, if
you need to deactivate the mfix-21.4
conda environment, you can do so with:
(mfix-21.4)> deactivate
This returns to the base conda environment.
2.3.7. Uninstall MFiX¶
To uninstall MFiX from a conda environment:
(mfix-21.4)> conda uninstall mfix
To remove the conda environment (if you have the environment activated, deactivate it first):
(mfix-21.4)> conda deactivate
> conda env remove -n mfix-21.4
To uninstall Anaconda entirely, remove the Anaconda directory. By default,
in your home directory. From the terminal:
> cd ~
> rm -rf anaconda3/
To learn more about managing conda environments, visit the conda documentation .