.. _install-mfix-linux: Linux Installation ------------------ MFiX has been developed and tested on the following linux distributions: - Ubuntu 18.10 - CentOS 7 Other recent releases of Linux are likely to work. If you have an issue running MFiX works your distro, ask for help at :ref:`support-forum`. Install Anaconda """""""""""""""" **Download** the 64-bit, Python 3, Linux version of `Anaconda `__ (~500 MB download) or `Miniconda `__ (~50 MB download). For instance, with the Anaconda installer: #. Open a terminal #. ``cd`` to the directory of the downloaded installer (for example ``~/Downloads``) #. Run the downloaded installer (At the time of this writing, ``sh Anaconda3-2021.05-Linux-x86_64.sh⏎``. #. You will be asked to review the License, hit enter #. Hit the space bar until you get to the end of the license agreement. #. Agree to the license by typing ``yes`` and hitting enter #. When prompted for an installation location, hit enter to use the default. #. When prompted to add the conda bin directory to ``PATH``, enter ``yes`` and hit enter. Anaconda is now installed. In order for the changes to take effect, close the terminal and open a new one. Verify that your ``PATH`` was updated by running ``conda`` in the new terminal. Install MFiX """""""""""" After installing Anaconda, install MFiX with the following steps: #. Open the Terminal application for your Linux desktop #. Browse to `MFiX Download `__ (requires registration and login) #. Copy the conda command. #. Paste it in the Terminal. .. note:: If you already installed MFiX, you may see the following message. Select ``y`` to confirm. .. code-block:: batch WARNING: A conda environment already exists Remove existing environment (y/[n])? y MFiX will be installed in a new conda environment. The process will take a few minutes to complete. .. _install-build-dependencies-linux: Install Solver Build Dependencies (optional) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Build dependencies are needed for building a :ref:`custom interactive solver`. If you only use the default solver, you can skip this step. Building the MFiX solver requires: - Fortran 2003 compiler (GFortran 4.8 or later) - GNU Make - CMake - For DMP support, an MPI implementation (such as OpenMPI) For building with other compilers, or for building with DMP, see :ref:`build-custom`. Installing GCC and Make through your system package manager (such as ``apt`` or ``yum``) is recommended. Install DMP/MPI Solver Build Dependencies """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" To build and run MFiX with DMP, you will need an MPI implementation installed, such as OpenMPI. To install OpenMPI on Ubuntu/Debian derived distributions: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo apt install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev To install OpenMPI on Fedora/RHEL/Centos derived distributions: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo yum install openmpi-devel $ module load mpi .. _create-environment-linux: Run MFiX in Conda Environment """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" To run MFiX: #. Open a terminal #. Run |conda_act_inline| #. Run ``mfix⏎`` to start MFiX Your prompt should look something like this: .. code-block:: bash :substitutions: > conda env create -n mfix-|version| mfix/mfix-|version|-linux64 > conda env list # conda environments: # base * /home/user/anaconda3 mfix-|version| /home/user/anaconda3/envs/mfix-|version| > conda activate mfix-|version| (mfix-|version|) > conda env list # conda environments: # base /home/user/anaconda3 mfix-|version| * /home/user/anaconda3/envs/mfix-|version| (mfix-|version|) > mfix You are now ready to proceed to the :ref:`user-guide` and :ref:`tutorials`. .. note:: Activating a conda environment sets certain environment variables such as PATH in the current shell. It does not create a new shell session. You will need to activate the environment every time before running MFiX. Deactivate Conda Environment """""""""""""""""""""""""""" After using MFiX you can just ``exit`` to leave the terminal session. However, if you need to deactivate the |conda_env_inline| conda environment, you can do so with: .. code-block:: bash :substitutions: (mfix-|version|)> deactivate > This returns to the base conda environment. Uninstall MFiX """""""""""""" To uninstall MFiX from a conda environment: .. code-block:: bash :substitutions: (mfix-|version|)> conda uninstall mfix To remove the conda environment (if you have the environment activated, deactivate it first): .. code-block:: bash :substitutions: (mfix-|version|)> conda deactivate > conda env remove -n mfix-|version| To uninstall Anaconda entirely, remove the Anaconda directory. By default, ``~/anaconda3`` in your home directory. From the terminal: .. code-block:: bash > cd ~ > rm -rf anaconda3/ .. note:: To learn more about managing conda environments, visit the `conda documentation `__ .