Numerical Parameters ==================== This section contains keywords for defining numerical parameters. Keywords related to solving the governing equations (e.g., ``LEQ_IT``, ``DISCRETIZE``, ``UR_FAC``, etc.) are dimensioned for the ten types of equations: ===== =============================================== Index Equation Type ===== =============================================== 1 Gas Pressure 2 Solids Volume Fraction 3 Gas and Solids U Momentum Equation 4 Gas and Solids V Momentum Equation 5 Gas and Solids W Momentum Equation 6 Gas and Solids Energy Equations (Temperature) 7 Gas and Solids Species Mass Fractions 8 Granular Temperature 9 User-Defined Scalar and K-Epsilon Equation 10 DES Diffusion Equation ===== =============================================== For example, ``LEQ_IT(3) = 10``, specifies to use 10 iterations within the linear equation solver for the U Momentum Equations (of type 3). .. include:: /reference/numerical_parameters_gen.rst