**************** MFiX User Manual **************** MFiX is an open-source multiphase flow solver, providing a :ref:`Two-Fluid Model (TFM)`, a :ref:`Discrete Element Model (DEM)`, a :ref:`Particle In Cell (PIC) model`, and a :ref:`Hybrid model`. These models can be used to simulate a variety of multiphase flow devices including gasifiers, circulating fluid bed combusters, fluidized beds, fluid catalytic crackers, and chemical looping combustion systems. Please visit the `Multiphase Flow Science `__ website for more information. .. raw:: html .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: About MFiX getting_started/index tutorials/index model_setup/index solver/build solver/run visualization/index user_interface_reference queue reference/user_defined_functions mfix_on_joule reference/index faq .. .. todo:: We need to figure out how to present all the archived pdf documentation - :download:`/archive/Cartesian_grid_user_guide.pdf` - :download:`/archive/IO_tools_summary.pdf` - :download:`/archive/Simonin_Ahmadi_Models.pdf` - :download:`/archive/mfix_pic_doc.pdf` - :download:`/archive/qmomk_doc_2012-1.pdf` - :download:`/archive/HYS_drag.pdf` - :download:`/archive/MFIX_distributed_IO.pdf` - :download:`/archive/dem_doc_2012-1.pdf` - :download:`/archive/theory.pdf` - :download:`/archive/HighResolution_and_Conservation.pdf` - :download:`/archive/NormalizationofCorrectionEqResiduals.pdf` - :download:`/archive/isat_dqmom.pdf` - :download:`/archive/numerics.pdf` .. * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` :ref:`search`