Initial conditions (IC) ======================= Each initial condition is specified over a rectangular region (or pie-shaped for cylindrical coordinates) that corresponds to the scalar numerical grid. These are 3D regions: ``X_w X_e``, ``Y_s Y_n``, and ``Z_t Z_b``. The region is defined by the constant coordinates of each of the six faces, which may be specified as the physical coordinates or the cell indices. The physical coordinates are easier to specify than the cell indices. If cell sizes are not small enough to resolve a region specified using physical coordinates, MFIX will indicate this problem with an error message. In cylindrical coordinates, when the theta direction crosses the 0 value, split that region into two regions: e.g., Split a region spanning 1.9 pi to 0.1 pi as 1.9 pi to 2 pi and 0 to 0.1 pi. Initial condition regions may overlap. When an overlap occurs, MFIX uses the conditions specified for the higher IC number. .. include:: /reference/initial_condition_gen.rst