Parallelization control ======================= Parallel performance depends on several things, and one has to evaluate different options before choosing the right strategy for any problem. For example if the J-direction is the strongest coupled direction, the preconditioning for the linear solver will be poor if there is decomposition in that direction. However, since decomposing in all the directions reduces the processor grid surface area, the communication cost will be less for the same computational grid. The preconditioners are chosen with the keyword ``LEQ_PC``. In addition to LINE relaxation, one can choose the "DIAG" or "NONE" preconditioner that reduces inter-processor communications but this choice will increase the number of linear equation solver iterations. The DIAG and NONE choices for preconditioners may be appropriate for all equations except the continuity (or pressure and volume fraction correction) equations. The parallel performance is greatly dependent on the choices stated here, and some trial and error may be required to determine the right combination of decomposition direction with the choice of preconditioners to get the best performance in production runs. ``NODESI * NODESJ * NODESK`` must be the same as the number of processors specified using ``mpirun`` (or equivalent command). Otherwise the code will return with an error. .. include:: /reference/parallelization_control_gen.rst