Point sources (PS) ================== Point sources are used in place of mass inlets where either the geometry and/or grid resolution prohibit proper boundary condition specification. For example, a point source may be used to model an injector with dimensions smaller than the grid. Point sources may be defined within a single computational cell, along a plane, or as a volume of computational cells. Point sources introduce mass directly into a computational cell unlike a boundary condition which specifies flow along a cell face. One consequence of this implementation is that point sources are subjected to convection/diffusion forces and may not travel parallel to the specified directional preference. Directional preference is specified with a velocity vector (i.e., ``PS_U_g``, ``PS_V_g``, etc.), however, directional preference is not required. Examples showing how to setup point sources can be found in: ``legacy_tutorials/point_source_spiral`` Legacy tutorials can be found by downloading the source tarball. They are meant to provide representative setups for older versions of MFiX (before the launch of the GUI), and are not guaranteed to run with the latest version of MFiX. .. include:: /reference/point_source_gen.rst