10. User-Defined Functions

User-Defined Functions (UDFs) are source files in the same directory as the project file that define code that is called by specific locations in the main MFiX code. UDFs are used to customize the behavior of MFiX. One common usage is for creating user-specific output files. In many cases, creating a personalized UDF is preferable to using postmfix.

Because MFiX is open source, users may modify any *.f or *.inc file under the model directory. To modify a file, first copy it from the model directory into the run directory. All modifications should be made to the file in the run directory. For example, list the contents of the adiabaticFlame test case located in the legacy_tests directory. Legacy tests can be found by downloading the source tarball. They are meant to provide representative setups for older versions of MFiX (before the launch of the GUI), and are not guaranteed to run with the latest version of MFiX.

$ cd tutorials/tfm/silane_pyrolysis_2d
$ ls
SP2D.mfx    usr0.f      usr1.f      usr_mod.f   usr_rates.f

The SP2D.mfx file is the project file, and the usr*.f files are the UDFs used by this project. simulation. After running build_mfixsolver, a re-examination of the same folder reveals:

$ build_mfixsolver
...long output...
$ ls
Makefile    build       mfixsolver  usr.mod     usr0.f      usr1.d      usr1.o      usr_mod.f   usr_rates.d usr_rates.o
SP2D.mfx    lib         species.inc usr0.d      usr0.o      usr1.f      usr_mod.d   usr_mod.o   usr_rates.f

Each UDF has a corresponding dependency (.d) file and object (.o) file.

If a project has a usr_rates.f UDF, an additional species.inc file is generated from the project file during the reaction preprocessing step of the build.

The .d and .o files are intermediate dependency and object files that are created and linked with the executable, mfix.

The following is a list of MFIX files that are usually modified to include user defined scalars, user defined drag models, and chemical reactions, physical properties, and source terms for the governing equations:

File Name:

Usage Description


Properties and source terms in scalar transport equations


User-defined drag function


Chemical reaction rates


DES chemical reaction rates


Physical properties (density, specific heat, etc.)


Governing equation source terms

The following routines are used for writing user-defined output:

File Name:

Usage Description


Called once at the start of a run. This file is

used for opening user-defined output files.


Called at intervals defined by USR_DT

To activate the calls to the following routines, make sure the “Enable user-defined subroutines” checkbox is checked in the Model pane.

File Name:

Usage Description


Subroutine that is called once every run, just before the time-loop begins.


Subroutine that is called once every timestep.


Subroutine that is called once every iteration.


Subroutine that is called once every run, after the time-loop ends.


List of user-defined keywords. These may be used to enter data through the input data file mfix.dat.


Initialize user-defined keywords.


User-defined module. Include USE usr to use userdefined variables in this module. If allocatable arrays are defined in this module, allocate them in usr0.f. [1]


Subroutine called before entering the DES time loop. [1]


Subroutine called every DES timestep after calculating DES source terms but before source terms are applied to the particles.


Subroutine called every DES timestep after source terms are applied to the particles.


Subroutine that is called after completing the DES time loop.

The following figures illustrate the local call structure for UDFs, for typical TFM/PIC and DEM runs:

UDF call graph

Figure 10.1 Call Graph for UDF Subroutines

DES User-defined subroutines call structure:

UDF DES call graph

Figure 10.2 Call Graph for UDF DES Subroutines

Note that the USR_ keywords do not have any explicit behavior. They are only basic input mechanisms to interact with user-defined functions. For example, specifying USR_X_w does not result in the associated I index, USR_I_W being calculated. It is upon the user to ensure that all user-hooks are fully specified.