Running the Application

Graphical User Interface

Tracker with the Graphical User Interface (GUI) can be started by entering the following command into your Linux or Mac terminal, or into your Anaconda Prompt on Windows:



On windows, the GUI can also be started by clicking on the desktop icon.

Without the Graphical User Interface

To facility batch processing and maximize performance, files can be processed without the GUI. This can be done by passing the --nogui or -ng flag and a path to a *.trak file:

tracker -ng path/to/my/track/file/video1.trak

The path can contain unix wild cards that will be used to find *.trak files. To process all *.trak files in a directory, the following command can be used:

tracker -ng path/to/folder/with/track/files/*.trak

A list of paths can also be passed:

tracker -ng path/to/*.trak otherpath/to/video1.trak

For more command line options, see Command Line Reference


Both the GUI and no-GUI version can utilize parrallelization to speed up the processing. The number of workers and the parrallelization method (multi-thread or multi-processed) can be specified on the command line. To specify the number of workers, use the -w N flag where N is an integer greater than 0. By default, the application runs multi-thread. To use multi-processing, pass the -mp flag. As an example, to process a *.trak file using 4 workers and multi-processing use:

tracker -w 4 -mp path/to/video1.trak

Please refer to the Parallelization for more information.


Multiprocessing on Windows does not work due to issues between python’s multiprocessing library and OpenCV.