.. _cmd_reference: Command Line Reference ====================== When running from the command line, a variety of options exist. These options can be changed by passing various flags. A list paths or paths with wild cards can be passed after the flags to open specific ``*.trak`` files:: tracker [flags] [file [file ...]] Flag reference: +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | Flag | Description | +=================================+============================================+ | ``-h``, ``--help`` | Show the these flags and exit | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-ng``, ``--nogui`` | Process the file without opening the GUI | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-w N``, ``--workers N`` | specify the number of workers where ``N`` | | | is an integer grater than 0 | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-mp``, ``--multiprocess`` | Use multiprocessing (does not work on | | | Windows) | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-s STYLE``, ``--style STYLE`` | specify app style where ``STYLE`` is a | | | valid style (windowsvista, fusion, | | | cleanlooks,...) | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-g``, ``--default_geo`` | Use default geometry, don't restore | | | previous state | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-n``, ``--noload`` | Do not automatically load previously opened| | | project | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-c``, ``--clear`` | Clear all saved settings | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-t``, ``--test`` | Close the gui after opening | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-d``, ``--debug`` | Turn on debug | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-sf S``, ``--start_frame S`` | Frame to start processing from where ``S`` | | | is positive integer | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-tf F``, ``--total_frames F`` | Total number of frames to process where | | | ``F`` is a positive integer | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-p``, ``--profile`` | Profile the tracking code, save to file | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ``-v``, ``--version`` | show program's version number and exit | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+