Cannot find hybrid in 23.2 MFiX GUI


Dear developer,

In my current endeavor with MFiX 23.2, I am facing challenges in locating the hybrid model essential for my simulation task. While I have been referring to the provided tutorial, it does not seem to include guidance for initiating a 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics-Discrete Element Method (CFD-DEM) simulation concerning water and particulate matter. Are there additional resources or documentation that could guide me through this process? Additionally, I am interested in whether it is feasible to configure the Shields number for particle within the simulation framework.



By “Hybrid model” do you mean a mix of TFM and DEM solids phases?
This is only partly supported in MFiX - we are not actively testing or developing the hybrid model, and it is disabled in the MFiX GUI.

Please see this forum post to see how to enable it. Again, it is not guaranteed to work, but you may find success with it.

Thanks for your response!

I want to follow your suggestion in the forum you mentioned as following:

To access this “hidden” feature - create a new case from the “blank” template. In the “Model Setup” pane, Set “Solver” to “TFM”. In “Solids”, create 2 solids phases. Then save the file and exit.

But when I created a blank template I cannot find the model setup as in GUI as following:

how to find the mode setup? is it because I did not install successfully?

You are in SMS mode. Please see this post.

Thanks a lot!

I tried to use editor to change the second solid phase from TFM to DEM but it indicated it was ‘read only’. I tried to alter it by opening it as a txt file but when I saved and reopened it became the TFM again. What should I do?

Please uploaded the edited file