Creating multiple pulsed jet gas positions in the fluidized bed

Hello everyone,
I am a beginner to use Mfix for fluid bed simulation. I use pulsating_fluid_bed_2D TFM in Mfix and here allows to generate pulsed gas through 1 jet position. If I want to add more positions that also supply pulsed gas, what should I do?

Many thanks!
Phu Pham Quang

Not exactly sure what you are asking (I’m also a beginner), but maybe add more inlets in BC?

Yes, I want to put in many variables and I use keyframe data to add more inlets in BCs but the result can only run 01 first variable. Similar to this document:

and I want to generate many variables in BC, could you help me?

I see. I’ve never used keyframe before. Sorry can’t really help you…

But would it be possible to add inlets in GUI? Or maybe you have a lot of inlets and want to avoid GUI?

Please check previous similar topic:

You can try point source inlet or create multiple regular gas mass inlet boundaries. UDF should be similar to the pulsating fluid bed tutorial.

Thank you Gaoxi and jack7z
I tried it again and the model has worked well with multi pulsed gas jets.
Thanks again for your concern and help.
In addition, if I want the velocity of inflow gas to change according to the equation: bc_v_g = A * (B + sin (2 * pi * f * t)), where A, B = const, t = time, f = frequency
How do I correct the code in the mfix?
Thanks very much!
Phu Pham Quang

Hello, I recently had the same problem as you. Pulsating gas can only be applied to one inlet, and it is desired that multiple spouts use pulsating gas . How did you solve this problem? Looking forward to your reply! Best regards!