MFIX cannot calculate

I used the variable density model to calculate on MFIX21.1.4, UDF compiled successfully but couldn’t calculate, I don’t know what the problem is.

The package contains the project file and reaction rate file. (6.6 KB)

Hi Raymond. Please provide more detail than “cannot calculate”. What behavior are you expecting and what are you seeing?

I compiled your UDF and ran the case, it runs fine for me but produces this warning message:

mfix - WARNING - velocity higher than maximum allowed velocity:   10.000    (to change this adjust the scale factor MAX_INLET_VEL_FAC)

Unfortunately, the warning message is showing up in the terminal you start MFiX from, instead of being displayed within MFiX. I will fix this.

Regarding the inlet velocity, please see this post

– Charles

Hi cgw. When I run the case,the following will appear in the console, and calculation will not begin.

Raymond - those are normal messages, nothing there indicates an error, except that I see you drop back to a command prompt indicating that the solver has exited. Have you tried running the same case with version 21.3 ?

I have tried to calculate in MFIX21.3, and it can be calculated, but now the problem of no response about version 21.3 is not solved, I can only use version 21.1.4.