Here is my geometry and domain. The inner blue wall is expected to have a constant lifting velocity until its open buttom reaches a speficied height. My question is how to give the blue wall a constant lifting velocity if its open buttom below a speficied height? If a or some .f file(s) should be edited, how to edit them. Are there any examples?
Hi, I supply my former question today. Is the lifting wall for pure granular flow enabled by specifying the wall v-velocity for particles in the following pane? From this post ( Johnson-Jackson boundary condition with cut-cell), I known wall v-velocity for particles can not be specified with the cut-cell grid. Maybe it can be specified with the Cartesian grid. How to enable the Cartesian grid?
The keyword CARTESIAN_GRID is not exposed directly in the MFiX GUI, it is set to the correct setting depending on whether you are using STL geometry, or a few other types of geometry (quadrics, polygon, or mesh) - here’s the code where it’s set, in mfixgui/vtk_widgets/
Thank you @cgw . I have found a shearing flow case (a testing case in MFIX) in which a wall velocity is specified. In this case, the wall do not move away, imposing a constant velocity to the liquid attached to the wall instead. Hence, I feel the cylinder wall could not be pulled up against time through specifying the wall V-velocity. Anyway,thanks.
I am also trying to move a wall with a constant velocity. Could you please guide me about the shearing flow case (a testing case in Mfix you are talking)? I would be grateful to your help.