Selection of no of cores of computer to perform simulation?

Hello @cgw , I have responded to your query. The issue is recurring. I have tried on several computers and the issue still exists in all. This make me wonder if it is a system error or if it is something that ought to be fixed from MFIX because I don’t think all the computer systems I have tried upon have a common issue like faulty RAM, filled disc memory or something else.

Also, I am wondering that I use university computer and do you think there is something that is causing this issue maybe something like security issue or some kind of malware protection from university’s end is causing this to happen because it is happening in all university computer.

I am attaching a bug report of the same for your reference. (8.3 KB) (8.3 KB)

I hope you could resolve it.

The errors you are seeing have nothing to do with MFiX.
We use the Anaconda distribution as an easy way to make sure all prerequisite packages are installed, including the Fortran compiler. We do not support the Fortran compiler at all.

Please check your Anaconda installation, or seek help on the Anaconda forums, or try to get help from you university computer people. We cannot fix this problem for you. I have never seen this error before, I don’t know what’s causing it, and I can’t reproduce it. Sorry.

I suggest creating a small “Hello world” program in Fortran and see if you can get that to compile with gfortran, using a command like gfortran -o test.exe test.f

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Hello @cgw , thanks for your reply. I have a doubt, when you say Fortran, you mean it is automatically installed in my system, is it?. I am sorry, I have no idea on programming languages nor do i understand your last message.
I can seek professional help who could understand the issue, but i am right now not understanding what should be my plan of action.
Is it that i do not have a Fortran installed in my windows or if it comes with the package, where do i find it?

I hope if you could reply me in layman easy language which i can understand. I am a mechanical engineer with no background at all using any language .

GFortran is a compiler for the programming language Fortran. MFiX is written in Fortran. You do not need a Fortran compiler to run MFiX with the default pre-build solver, but if you modify the solver, or enable feature like SMP, you have to recompile it, which requires use of a Fortran compiler.

GFortran is not produced by us. It is produced by the GNU project, who make a lot of free software.

Anaconda is a package that includes a lot of free software, including GFortran.

The messages you pasted say

The Fortran compiler


is not able to compile a simple test program.

So there is something wrong with the GFortran installation, which comes from Anaconda.

I cannot provide further assistance. Please try to find somebody local who can help you.

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Also, I have planned to install MFIX on a different desktop which is not at all protected by university. Through this i plan to check if some kind of university protection is causing it not work.

Sure, thanks a lot @cgw . Its indeed a great help.