Solver crash on HPC

When I ran the standard example fluid_bed_tfm_3d on MFix23.2 on HPC, the solver crashed.
Error report:
Starting mpirun -np 8 /home/lijiasheng/mfix_files/fluid_bed_tfm_3d_test_0919/ fluid bed_tfm_3d_test 0919.mfx
Using /home/lijiasheng/mix files/fluid bed tfm 3d test 0919/
Error 1001:unable to open input data file:fluid bed tfm3d test 0919.mfx
Error: Solver crash!
Error STOP
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code.Per user-direction, the job has beer aborted.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with nor-zero status,thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:
Process name: [[35676,1],0]
Exit code:1
MFIX process has stopped

I cannot say without seeing the files but there’s something strange in the output pasted above.

 Starting mpirun -np 8 /home/lijiasheng/mfix_files/fluid_bed_tfm_3d_test_0919/ fluid bed_tfm_3d_test 0919.mfx
Using /home/lijiasheng/mix files/fluid bed tfm 3d test 0919/
Error 1001:unable to open input data file:fluid bed tfm3d test 0919.mfx

There may be an issue with spaces in file or directory names (this should be OK but is often a source of problems - I will double-check that MFiX does not trip over spaces in pathnames)

In your output, the Starting mpirun ... line has underscores in fluid bed_tfm_3d_test 0919.mfx but the unable to open input data file: message has fluid bed tfm3d test 0919.mfx (spaces instead of underscores). This does not make sense to me. Is this the exact error message or did it get modified somehow when you copied/pasted it?

Please click “Submit bug report” from the main MFiX menu and upload the resulting ZIP file here. Thanks.

I took a picture of the error report.

OK, it looks like there are underscores consistenly in the filenames, no spaces - so that’s not it.

Is there a file fluid_bed_tfm_3d_test_0919.mfx in that directory? What are the permissions on that file?

Can you please go to the main MFiX menu, click on “Submit bug report” and upload the resulting ZIP file?

I checked the permissions on the files in the folder. I am using mfix on HPC in LAN, so the bug file cannot be exported. (64.6 KB)
I uploaded the ZIP file, could you please help me find the cause of the problem?

Discussion continued at Error 1001: Unable to open input data file

Please do not create multiple threads for the same issue. This just creates extra work for us, keeping track of which issues are still open.

And use a more descriptive subject title when possible - “Solver crash” is not as helpful as “Error 1001: Unable to open input data file”.


  • Charles