The coordinates of all grids in the inlet boundary


How to obtain the coordinates of all grids in the inlet boundary??

You have defined the inlet, so presumably you already know the coordinates of the boundary. Can you provide a little more detail about what you are trying to do?

Hi, cgw !

Thank you for your reply. I want to implement a shear flow field at the west boundary of the inlet, and the value of the shear flow field is related to the coordinate of y.

Is this the same question as Shear airflow field at the entrance ?
Please provide more details about what you are trying to do. Are you writing a UDF for the inlet? Can you share what you have done so far?

hi cgw, thank you reply!

I haven’t written a UDF yet.
My current idea is as follows:
for example, there is an velocity inlet on the west side in the x direction. I want to define the x inlet velocity on the west surface based on the y-coordinate of each inlet grid.
I would like to confirm if it is possible to achieve this by loading UDF??
thank u