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Member roles API

DETAILS: Tier: Ultimate Offering:, Self-managed

Use this API to interact with member roles for your groups or entire self-managed instance.

Manage instance member roles

DETAILS: Tier: Ultimate Offering: Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated


Get all instance member roles

Get all member roles in an instance.

GET /member_roles

Example request:

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "Instance custom role",
    "description": "Custom guest that can read code",
    "group_id": null,
    "base_access_level": 10,
    "admin_cicd_variables": false,
    "admin_compliance_framework": false,
    "admin_group_member": false,
    "admin_merge_request": false,
    "admin_push_rules": false,
    "admin_terraform_state": false,
    "admin_vulnerability": false,
    "admin_web_hook": false,
    "archive_project": false,
    "manage_deploy_tokens": false,
    "manage_group_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_merge_request_settings": false,
    "manage_project_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_security_policy_link": false,
    "read_code": true,
    "read_runners": false,
    "read_dependency": false,
    "read_vulnerability": false,
    "remove_group": false,
    "remove_project": false

Create a instance member role

Create an instance-wide member role.

POST /member_roles

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
name string yes The name of the member role.
description string no The description of the member role.
base_access_level integer yes Base access level for configured role. Valid values are 10 (Guest), 15 (Planner), 20 (Reporter), 30 (Developer), 40 (Maintainer), or 50 (Owner).
admin_cicd_variables boolean no Permission to create, read, update, and delete CI/CD variables.
admin_compliance_framework boolean no Permission to administer compliance frameworks.
admin_group_member boolean no Permission to add, remove and assign members in a group.
admin_merge_request boolean no Permission to approve merge requests.
admin_push_rules boolean no Permission to configure push rules for repositories at group or project level.
admin_terraform_state boolean no Permission to administer project terraform state.
admin_vulnerability boolean no Permission to edit the vulnerability object, including the status and linking an issue.
admin_web_hook boolean no Permission to administer web hooks.
archive_project boolean no Permission to archive projects.
manage_deploy_tokens boolean no Permission to manage deploy tokens.
manage_group_access_tokens boolean no Permission to manage group access tokens.
manage_merge_request_settings boolean no Permission to configure merge request settings.
manage_project_access_tokens boolean no Permission to manage project access tokens.
manage_security_policy_link boolean no Permission to link security policy projects.
read_code boolean no Permission to read project code.
read_runners boolean no Permission to view project runners.
read_dependency boolean no Permission to read project dependencies.
read_vulnerability boolean no Permission to read project vulnerabilities.
remove_group boolean no Permission to delete or restore a group.
remove_project boolean no Permission to delete a project.

For more information on available permissions, see custom permissions.

Example request:

 curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" --data '{"name" : "Custom guest (instance)", "base_access_level" : 10, "read_code" : true}' ""

Example response:

  "id": 3,
  "name": "Custom guest (instance)",
  "group_id": null,
  "description": null,
  "base_access_level": 10,
  "admin_cicd_variables": false,
  "admin_compliance_framework": false,
  "admin_group_member": false,
  "admin_merge_request": false,
  "admin_push_rules": false,
  "admin_terraform_state": false,
  "admin_vulnerability": false,
  "admin_web_hook": false,
  "archive_project": false,
  "manage_deploy_tokens": false,
  "manage_group_access_tokens": false,
  "manage_merge_request_settings": false,
  "manage_project_access_tokens": false,
  "manage_security_policy_link": false,
  "read_code": true,
  "read_runners": false,
  "read_dependency": false,
  "read_vulnerability": false,
  "remove_group": false,
  "remove_project": false

Delete an instance member role

Delete a member role from the instance.

DELETE /member_roles/:member_role_id

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
member_role_id integer yes The ID of the member role.

If successful, returns 204 and an empty response.

Example request:

curl --request DELETE --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" ""

Manage group member roles

DETAILS: Tier: Ultimate Offering:


  • You must have the Owner role for the group.

Get all group member roles

GET /groups/:id/member_roles

Supported attributes:

Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the group of the group

Example request:

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "Guest + read code",
    "description": "Custom guest that can read code",
    "group_id": 84,
    "base_access_level": 10,
    "admin_cicd_variables": false,
    "admin_compliance_framework": false,
    "admin_group_member": false,
    "admin_merge_request": false,
    "admin_push_rules": false,
    "admin_terraform_state": false,
    "admin_vulnerability": false,
    "admin_web_hook": false,
    "archive_project": false,
    "manage_deploy_tokens": false,
    "manage_group_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_merge_request_settings": false,
    "manage_project_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_security_policy_link": false,
    "read_code": true,
    "read_runners": false,
    "read_dependency": false,
    "read_vulnerability": false,
    "remove_group": false,
    "remove_project": false
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Guest + security",
    "description": "Custom guest that read and admin security entities",
    "group_id": 84,
    "base_access_level": 10,
    "admin_cicd_variables": false,
    "admin_compliance_framework": false,
    "admin_group_member": false,
    "admin_merge_request": false,
    "admin_push_rules": false,
    "admin_terraform_state": false,
    "admin_vulnerability": true,
    "admin_web_hook": false,
    "archive_project": false,
    "manage_deploy_tokens": false,
    "manage_group_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_merge_request_settings": false,
    "manage_project_access_tokens": false,
    "manage_security_policy_link": false,
    "read_code": true,
    "read_runners": false,
    "read_dependency": true,
    "read_vulnerability": true,
    "remove_group": false,
    "remove_project": false

Add a member role to a group

  • Ability to add a name and description when creating a custom role introduced in GitLab 16.3.

Adds a member role to a group. You can only add member roles at the root level of the group.

POST /groups/:id/member_roles


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the group of the group.
admin_cicd_variables boolean no Permission to create, read, update, and delete CI/CD variables.
admin_compliance_framework boolean no Permission to administer compliance frameworks.
admin_group_member boolean no Permission to add, remove and assign members in a group.
admin_merge_request boolean no Permission to approve merge requests.
admin_push_rules boolean no Permission to configure push rules for repositories at group or project level.
admin_terraform_state boolean no Permission to admin project terraform state.
admin_vulnerability boolean no Permission to admin project vulnerabilities.
admin_web_hook boolean no Permission to administer web hooks.
archive_project boolean no Permission to archive projects.
manage_deploy_tokens boolean no Permission to manage deploy tokens.
manage_group_access_tokens boolean no Permission to manage group access tokens.
manage_merge_request_settings boolean no Permission to configure merge request settings.
manage_project_access_tokens boolean no Permission to manage project access tokens.
manage_security_policy_link boolean no Permission to link security policy projects.
read_code boolean no Permission to read project code.
read_runners boolean no Permission to view project runners.
read_dependency boolean no Permission to read project dependencies.
read_vulnerability boolean no Permission to read project vulnerabilities.
remove_group boolean no Permission to delete or restore a group.
remove_project boolean no Permission to delete a project.

Example request:

 curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" --data '{"name" : "Custom guest", "base_access_level" : 10, "read_code" : true}' ""

Example response:

  "id": 3,
  "name": "Custom guest",
  "description": null,
  "group_id": 84,
  "base_access_level": 10,
  "admin_cicd_variables": false,
  "admin_compliance_framework": false,
  "admin_group_member": false,
  "admin_merge_request": false,
  "admin_push_rules": false,
  "admin_terraform_state": false,
  "admin_vulnerability": false,
  "admin_web_hook": false,
  "archive_project": false,
  "manage_deploy_tokens": false,
  "manage_group_access_tokens": false,
  "manage_merge_request_settings": false,
  "manage_project_access_tokens": false,
  "manage_security_policy_link": false,
  "read_code": true,
  "read_runners": false,
  "read_dependency": false,
  "read_vulnerability": false,
  "remove_group": false,
  "remove_project": false

In GitLab 16.3 and later, you can use the API to:

  • Add a name (required) and description (optional) when you create a new custom role.
  • Update an existing custom role's name and description.

Remove member role of a group

Deletes a member role of a group.

DELETE /groups/:id/member_roles/:member_role_id
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the group of the group.
member_role_id integer yes The ID of the member role.

If successful, returns 204 and an empty response.

Example request:

curl --request DELETE --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>" ""