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GitLab Duo experiments

The following GitLab Duo features are experiments.

Summarize issue discussions with Discussion summary

DETAILS: Tier: For a limited time, Ultimate. In the future, GitLab Duo Enterprise. Offering: Status: Experiment

Generate a summary of discussions on an issue.


To generate a summary of issue discussions:

  1. In an issue, scroll to the Activity section.
  2. Select View summary.

The comments in the issue are summarized in as many as 10 list items. The summary is displayed only for you.

Provide feedback on this experimental feature in issue 407779.

Data usage: When you use this feature, the text of all comments on the issue are sent to the large language model referenced above.

Forecast deployment frequency with Value stream forecasting

DETAILS: Tier: and Self-managed: For a limited time, Ultimate. In the future, GitLab Duo Enterprise.
GitLab Dedicated: GitLab Duo Enterprise. Offering:, Self-managed, GitLab Dedicated Status: Experiment

Improve your planning and decision-making by predicting productivity metrics and identifying anomalies across your software development lifecycle.


To view a forecast of deployment frequency in CI/CD Analytics:

  1. On the left sidebar, select Search or go to and find your project.
  2. Select Analyze > CI/CD analytics.
  3. Select the Deployment frequency tab.
  4. Turn on the Show forecast toggle.
  5. On the confirmation dialog, select Accept testing terms.

The forecast is displayed as a dotted line on the chart. Data is forecasted for a duration that is half of the selected date range.

For example, if you select a 30-day range, a forecast for the following 15 days is displayed.

Forecast deployment frequency

Provide feedback on this experimental feature in issue 416833.

Troubleshoot failed CI/CD jobs with Root cause analysis

DETAILS: Tier: For a limited time, Ultimate. In the future, GitLab Duo Enterprise. Offering: Status: Experiment

Determine the root cause of a CI/CD job failure by analyzing the logs.


To view root cause analysis:

  1. Open a merge request.
  2. On the Pipelines tab, select the failed CI/CD job.
  3. Above the job output, select Troubleshoot.

An analysis of the reasons for the failure is displayed.

Summarize an issue with Issue description generation

DETAILS: Tier: For a limited time, Ultimate. In the future, GitLab Duo Enterprise. Offering: Status: Experiment

Generate a detailed description for an issue based on a short summary you provide.


To generate an issue description:

  1. Create a new issue.
  2. Above the Description field, select GitLab Duo ({tanuki-ai}) > Generate issue description.
  3. Write a short description and select Submit.

The issue description is replaced with AI-generated text.

Provide feedback on this experimental feature in issue 409844.

Data usage: When you use this feature, the text you enter is sent to the large language model referenced above.