This library is for parsing [Constructive Solid Geometry
(CSG)]( for use in
[AMReX Embedded Boundaries
CSG is a file format used by the open source CAD modelling tool
[OpenSCAD]( CSG is a subset of the SCAD language,
equivalent in the kinds of geometries that can be expressed, but with fewer
primitives (OpenSCAD can export `.scad` files to `.csg`). SCAD code is easier to
read and write by humans; CSG files are easier to parse and process by software.
- [PEGTL]( for parsing
- [Catch2]( for testing framework
- [CGAL]( for geometry computation
- C++17 compiler (GCC >=7.x, Clang >=5.x)
- CMake >=3.14
> cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
> cmake --build build
- Include the header file `csg.hpp`
- Call `csg::get_csgif` with the path to a CSG file to create an [Implicit Function object](
// for EB2::makeShop
#include <AMReX_EB2_GeometryShop.H>
auto csg_file = "~/my_geometry.csg";
auto is_internal_flow = true;
auto csg_if = csg::get_csgif(csg_file, is_internal_flow);
auto gshop = EB2::makeShop(*csg_if);
If `is_internal_flow==true`, the CSG geometry defines a hollow space for the domain:
- csg_if(x, y, z) < 0 ⇒ (x, y, z) is **INSIDE**
- csg_if(x, y, z) > 0 ⇒ (x, y, z) is **OUTSIDE**
If `is_internal_flow==false`, the CSG geometry defines a solid boundary to the domain:
- csg_if(x, y, z) < 0 ⇒ (x, y, z) is **OUTSIDE**
- csg_if(x, y, z) > 0 ⇒ (x, y, z) is **INSIDE**
* Add this repo as a CMake subdirectory in your `CMakeLists.txt`:
* Add the `csg` target to the CMake target that uses code like in the the above example:
target_link_libraries(<target> PRIVATE csg)
## Install with Spack
Another way to install csg-eb is with Spack. See the [Spack documentation]( for instructions on how to install Spack.
Then define a recipe for csg-eb:
``` shell
spack repo add .spack/repo # add repo with csg-eb recipe
spack spec csg-eb # preview install
spack install csg-eb # install csg-eb (with CGAL support)
spack install csg-eb ~cgal # install csg-eb (without CGAL support)
spack load csg-eb # Adds directory with libcsg-eb.a to LD_LIBRARY_PATH