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Mark Meredith's avatar
Mark Meredith committed
# csg-eb
Mark Meredith's avatar
Mark Meredith committed

Deepak Rangarajan's avatar
Deepak Rangarajan committed
Library for parsing [Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) files]( into an implicit function that can be used to define [Embedded Boundaries (EB)]( 

Uses PEGTL for parsing and Catch2 for tests.

## Build

Deepak Rangarajan's avatar
Deepak Rangarajan committed
> :warning: **Requires C++17, such as GCC 7.x or later, or Clang 5.x or later**.
Deepak Rangarajan's avatar
Deepak Rangarajan committed
### CMake
Deepak Rangarajan's avatar
Deepak Rangarajan committed
#### Installing conan for the first time

    python3 -m pip install conan
#### Building using CMake

    cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    cmake --build build --target unit_tests_csg
    cd build
    make -j
#### Running unit tests

### Meson

#### Installing meson and ninja the first time

    python3 -m pip install meson ninja

#### Building using meson

    meson build
    ninja -C build

#### Running unit tests

    meson test -C build

## Using the library in other projects

### Include in the code
* Include the header file

        #include "csg.hpp"

* Create a function object

        auto csg_if = csg::get_csgif(<path_to_file_with_csg_extension>, is_internal_flow);
* Above returns an implicit function which can be operated on a 3D point coordinate (x, y, z) as

        csg_if(x, y, z)

* Can be passed to amrex EB2::makeShop

        auto gshop = EB2::makeShop(*csg_if);

### Note on the return value
* If `internal_flow` is set to `true`
    - **csg_if(x, y, z)** returns a number `less than 0`, if (x, y, z) lies `inside` the CSG object (a hollow) 
    - **csg_if(x, y, z)** returns a number `greater than 0`, if (x, y, z) lies `outside` the CSG object (a hollow)
* If `internal_flow` is set to `false`
    - **csg_if(x, y, z)** returns a number `greater than 0`, if (x, y, z) lies `inside` the CSG object (a solid)
    - **csg_if(x, y, z)** returns a number `less than 0`, if (x, y, z) lies `outside` the CSG object (a solid)

### Add to the CMake build
* Add this repo as a git submodule
* Build by adding as subdirectory in appropriate CMake file

* Link by setting the dependency in appropriate CMake file

        target_link_libraries(<target> PRIVATE csg)