6.3. Running Custom Interactive Solver

First build a custom solver.

6.3.1. Running Custom Solver From GUI

After building the custom solver, run a simulation by pressing Play (Run) to display the Run dialog. Select the mfixsolver file you have just built.

You can pause, unpause, stop, or get info from the solver.

6.3.2. Running Custom Solver From Command Line

As an example, the tfm/silane_pyrolysis_2d tutorial has UDFs and will not run with the default solver.

After building the solver, on a Linux or Mac system, run the custom solver with the command:

~/projectdir> ./mfixsolver -f SP2D.mfx

Use ./ in front of mfixsolver to use the solver in the project directory, not the default solver in your PATH.

On Windows, run the custom solver in the project directory with:

C:\projectdir > mfixsolver -f SP2D.mfx