Example: Char combustion

\[\text{C}(s) + 0.5 \text{O}_2 (g) → \text{CO}(g)\]


  • Species database names and aliases are defined on single lines.

  • The heat of reaction is defined.

  • The gas phase receives 20% of the heat of reaction.

  • Solids phase 1 receives 80% of the heat of reaction.

NMAX_g = 2

! No. gas phase species

Species_g(1) = "O2" "CO"
Species_Alias_g(1) = "O2" "CO"

! Database names
! Species aliases

NMAX_s(1) = 2
Species_s(1,1) = "C(GR) REF ELEMENT"
Species_s(1,2) = "Coal Ash"

! No. solids phase species
! Fixed Carbon (graphite)
! Coal Ash

Species_Alias_s(1,1) = "C" "Ash"

! Fixed Carbon and Coal Ash

@(RXNS)                       ! Begin reaction block
Char_Combustion {             ! Reaction 1 construct
chem_eq = "C + 0.5O2 --> CO"  ! Chemical Reaction Eq
DH = -52834.0                 ! (cal/moles-reacted)
fracDH(0) = 0.2               ! HoR assigned to gas phase
fracDH(1) = 0.8               ! HoR assigned to s. phase 1
}                             ! End reaction 1 construct
@(END)                        ! End reaction block