2D TFM fluidized bed, tune to expansion height?

Hi all,
I am working on setting up a model for which I have some test data. Having a size of about 100 microns and void fraction of 0.48, I try to acheive a comparable bed expansion. Though at the moment it does not quite reach this, even if the 2D phase plot looks qualitatively similar with regards to bubbling flow. The material is crystal-like and not spherical, which I have somewhat taken into account with the DiFelice-Ganser drag model. But are there other parameters that I miss out on that could improve this, perhaps under the “solids” tab? The measured inital and bubbling bed height is 10.5cm and 14.0cm respectively, while the MFiX model at the moment only does a third of this.

Check the bed mass and pressure drop first, then Umf, assuming the experimental data reported those values. Also make sure the diameters are correct and the particle density. How is the particle density measured?