A question about formula of drag force

Hello, everyone. I noticed that the drag force formula of Gidaspow. There is a εs and a εm on the molecular. However, I didn’t find them in the drag_gs as following picture. So I wanna know if someone know the reason about it.64C5F800D37EC459DA23546CB0699DC6 MSVOAOF4}0S3S2~KRO(F_I


As far as I know, beta is equal to DgA*EPs.
You can see other formulas are also divided by EPs.
When F_gs is calculated, EPs is considered.

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Thanks a lot firstly. Now, I wanna create a new drag force model. So as you mean, I should let beta divide by EPs also, is that right?

I think so. If you apply a new usr drag model including EPs, then it will be applied twice.

yep, I agree with you. It makes a big deviation if I add eps on the formula. I’ll try it. Appreciate it for you again!