About boundary: some particles rebounded at the plane of pressure outflow

Hi everyone. Particles injected into the box from right plane. The bottom, front and back plane is Pressure outflow. When the particles fall down to the bottom, the majority of particles discharged. But at the edges of front and back plane, some particles rebounded, as shown in the figure. Why? How can I solve this problem? And the file is here.1.zip (3.5 KB)

You have both solid walls and “flow boundaries” on top of one another. I’m a little surprised that even some of the particles left the domain.

Don’t bother using an STL to define the geometry if all you need is a box with inflows and outflows. Create six planes in the Regions pane, one for each side of the domain. Then, in the Boundary Conditions (BC) pane, use these planes to define walls, pressure outflows and inflows.

Thank you for you help. In fact, the bottom of the box stretched out of the bottom plane of the domain. And in the case of three dimensional fluid bed of user manual, the cylinder stretched out of the top plane of the domain.The top of cylinder was on the top of the gas outlet plane, and.the gas can discharged successfully. In my case, the bottom plane of the domain (pressure outlet) was on the top of bottom plane of the box. But there was an error. Why?
By the way. in my case, particles injected into the box from right plane. and I can reduce the length of mass inflow plane in y direction, from 0.046m to 0.05m. But I can not reduce the length of mass inflow of particles in z direction. It must be from zmin to zmax. If not, there will no particles injecting into the domain. Is it unallowed to reduce the length of mass inflow plane? And how could I set the position of every injecting particle? Using point source?

Excuse me again. I changed my case as particles impacting a plate. and I created other sides of the domain in the Regions pane. But there was also rebounded particles at the bottom plane. Besides that, there were particles in the middle line changing their flight path at the impacting point, not like other particles. Is it a bug, or just the phenomenon? Thank you.

I have solved the problem. If I set the front and back wall as pressure outflow, there will be bounded particles at the bottom plane. And I changed the front and back wall as no slip wall, it is normal, without bounded particles. Thanks a lot.