About the calculation of Re of particle in Heat transfer -CFD-DEM

Code: calc_gamma_des.f
N_Re = (2.0d0*DES_RADIUS(NP)SLIPRO_g(IJK)) / MU_g(IJK)
The Ranz and Mrshall, 1952 model is used in the code.

However, in J.Musser’s thesis, image
Re is defined as (epsilon_g2.0d0DES_RADIUS(NP)SLIPRO_g(IJK)) / MU_g(IJK)
It seems like that the voidage: epsilon_g is missed in the code. I was wondering which defination is right.
Thank you so much and hope to recieve your answer. Thank you.

In the original Ranz and Marshall 1952 paper, the evaporation of single droplet was investigated. It is very dilute flow and epsilon_g=~1.0 and can be neglected. While for dense flow, I would add epsilon_g in calculating the Reynolds number. I would say, there is no general agreement in the literature on how to calculate Re for multiphase flow.