About the Interpolation and Explicit Coupling Calculation in Heat Transfer in DEM

Dear sir, as far as I know, when the energy equation is activated, the DES_INTERP_ON and DES_EXPLICITLY_COUPLED the can not be used. Which means we cannot use the interpolation of field quantities (e.g. Temperature) to a particle’s position. The DES_EXPLICITLY_COUPLED and DES_INTERP_ON algorithm are limited to hydrodynamic simulations at present, am I right?
But I was wondering why? Is it because whether interpolation (as well as explicit coupling) or not is not that important in temperature and heat transfer or some reason else?
And how can I fix it, if I want to activate the DES_INTERP_ON and DES_EXPLICITLY_COUPLED in heat transfer calculation?
I am looking forward to your reply, and thanks a lot in advance!

   Yours, Naval
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MFIX-DEM only interpolates hydrodynamic variables.

The reasoning is that energy and species equations are strongly impacted by user defined sources (i.e., chemical reaction rates). MFIX manages the “back end” of the rates when depositing interphase quantities to the Eulerian grid for the fluid. However, the “front end” is solely the responsibility of the user. As field variables are stored cell-centered, the code assumes that this is how they are used and therefore does not interpolate during the deposition step.