About Turbulence Model in TFM

Hello, I’m a Chemical Engineer’s student. I have a problem with the equations of turbulence model (k-epsilon). In the document of equations of MFIX’s website, the turbulence model section say that equations are in “Benyahia 2005” but it have an discrepance with bibliography (Benyahia 2006) and it don’t show the investigation title.
I searched and found the paper “(2005) Evaluation of boundary conditions used to model dilute, turbulent gas/solids flows in a pipe, Sofiane Benyahia, Madhava Syamlal, Thomas J. O’Brien” and I want confirm with the community if this paper is the described in the MFIX Code.

You are correct. The appropriate reference is

S. Benyahia, M. Syamlal and T. O’Brien, "Evaluation of boundary conditions 
used to model dilute, turbulent gas/solids flows in a pipe," Powder 
Technology, vol. 156, pp. 62-72, 2005. 


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