An Error: Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation

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Hi there,

I would like to simulate the particles falling down case, but finally there is an error that I could not solve. Which says: Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation. I run it in mfix-21.2, is there anything wrong with my settings? I checked through some similar questions posted before, but still could not get it fixed. Thank you for helping. The project files are attached. (6.4 KB)

I tried running this case in the latest MFiX version (22.4.3), which is always recommended, especially if you are getting errors.

Rather than a SIGFPE, I got this message:

Error 1110: Solids velocity for BC   2 is too low to satisfy DEM
inlet packing restrictions. Potential solutions:
 > If the BC velocities (BC_U_s, BC_V_s, BC_W_s) are defined, specify
   a larger value for the velocity normal to the flow plane.
 > If MASSFLOW or VOLFLOW are defined, decrease the solids volume
   fraction to increase solids velocity.
  Max user-specified BC velocity:    0.20000
  Minimum required solids Velocity:  0.24099

Hi cgw, Thanks a million for the advice.

After changing the BC of mass inflow from -0.2m/s to 0.3 m/s, and also increasing the diameter of particles from 0.001 to 0.005, I managed to run it successfully with MFiX version 22.4.2. Should be fine for 22.4.3 also. Cheers.