Anaconda-free version

According to Compute Canada (CC) documentation, the software that is distributed with the Anaconda Python/R distribution is ill-suited for supercomputers. Because of this, users are discouraged from installing and using Anaconda on the CC machines.
Is the Anaconda-free version of the MFiX provided?

MFiX 20.1 and later can be installed with pip.

Go to the MFiX download page, click on the “Source / Pip” tab, and download the source tarball. It can be installed using the displayed pip command.

Hi @mark.meredith1
My cluster HPC has no access to the internet, is there any way to install MFiX via USB drive.?

First off, I think there’s no good reason to avoid Anaconda, it just makes it easier to install all of the dependencies MFiX requires. I’m not sure about this quoted claim that it is “ill-suited for supercomputers”, I would require more specific details before evaluating this. The Anaconda packages will only be used when the Conda environment is activated, so there’s no real downside to installing it.

Installing on a non-networked host will be difficult, your best bet is to install on a networked host and then copy the entire Anaconda directory to the target machine. We cannot assist with this. Perhaps your local systems folks can help you.

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