At line 287 of file /check_data_30.f Fortran runtime error: End of record

I am simulating a leaching process. the solver can be bulit but fail to (28.4 MB)
The same question has been posted by Jay but no answer.

Hi Yuanhe
I ran your case here and got a different error -

ERROR check_data_30.f:299
Unphysical field variables detected on one or more processes.

which indicates that something has gone wrong in the simulation - it’s different than then End of record message you reported.

A similar error was reported and fixed about a year ago - (MFiX issue #962) - are you running the latest version of MFiX? Can you tell us what version you are running on, what hardware, OS, etc?

Thanks -
Charles Waldman (MFiX team)

the case runs when I reset the boudary condition.
I have one more questions. There are species transfort between the liquid phase and solid phase. however, now i set the fluid density obey the ideal gas law in the gui. The code works well but i am worring it may be wrong becasue the mass increase will directly change the density not the pressure in the cell filled with liquid.

Please upgrade to the latest MFiX version (20.4.2) if possible. Several bugs have been fixed in that version.