Axisymmetric Fluidized Bed

Apparently, the GUI cannot implement the cylindrical coordinates. If I want to model an axisymmetric fluidized bed, Can I set everything in GUI and change the coordinates in the data file to CYLINDRICAL?
Also, how can I define the axis boundary condition?
Is there any tutorial on axisymmetric flow available?

See the tutorial \legacy_tutorials\SpoutedBedCombustor
You may have to run it without the GUI. (Personally, I do not recommend cylindrical coordinate as it was criticized in many papers for fluidized bed simulation.)

Thank you. What do you mean by : “Personally, I do not recommend cylindrical coordinate as it was criticized in many papers for fluidized bed simulation.” What is the problem with the cylindrical coordiantes in modeling the fluidized beds? Can you explain more and is it possible to mention that articles?
So, You suggest to model the cylindrical fluidized beds in cartesian coordianates, even the 2D axisymmetic ones?

Please see the study by Tingwen et al.

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