Bug in CGP heat transfer?

Hi all,

I’m trying to reproduce Patil’s work for a further study, as in https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0017931016333129, and I found different results when analysing different parcel weights, as can be seen in the attached figure,

I attach also de mfx files in case they help.

w-27.mfx (18.0 KB)
w-8.mfx (18.2 KB)

Several reasons caused the mismatch between W8 and W27. The following steps can minimize the differences in your cases:

  1. Using constant temperature BC for both the gas phase and solid phase.
  2. Provide the actual Young’s modulus, e.g. 78e9
  3. use the same “flpc” in different cases. LENS_RAD = MAX_RAD * (1.0D0 + FLPC)
  4. Other hydrodynamics related parameters, such as interpolation and revision of restitution coefficient

The model is accurate for convection-dominated cases and the errors in conduction-dominated cases are larger. Your previous setup leads to high ratios of conduction/convection.

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Seems to work!

Thanks a lot for the answer and the guidance.

Hi, could you share the revised mfix files? Thanks a lot!