Bug of new version MFiX-20.3.1 when define specific temperature wall BC

When the specific temperature wall BC is defined, the latest version(MFiX-20.3.1) will occur sever bugs in a few seconds.

It seems related to the this line in calc_collision_wall_mod.f

The same deck file went well in older version (mfix-20.1.2)

I noticed the same issue in versions 21.1.2 and 21.1.4.

Any idea of the source ot the problem or suggestion to solve it?

@ferdy4985 @chunlei Please attach the input files that trigger this error. Do you have energy equations enabled?

– Charles

Hi Charles,

sorry for the late reply, here is the case. Energy is equation is enabled.
heat.mfx (18.1 KB)

This bug has been fixed recently and the fix will be included in the 21.2 release that’s coming out in a few weeks.

If you can’t wait or would like to help us test, you can apply this patch:

063e4d-patch.txt (3.1 KB)

Thanks a lot Charles, just tried it and seems to work.