Build Solver in Linux

Dear MFiX team

I am a beginner of Linux. When I built solver in Window, it worked well. But in linux, if I built solver the same case done in Window, build failed. Is there anything to consider in Linux unlike in Window when I build solver?

Daniel Kim

Can you post the output of the build failure so we can help?

After I installed Gfortran, SMP is available in Build solver

However, if I select DMP, there is no available compiler and “build solver” button is not activated like below. Do I need to install other compiler for DMP?

Yes, you need to install an MPI library.

I installed OpenMPI, but the “build solver” button still is not activated with DMP. MPI library is different from OpenMPI? If so, I need to install MPI library separately. Is it correct?

Did you specify the MPI compiler? I assume since you installed OpenMPI, the compiler name is mpif90.

How can I specify the compiler? Is the figure below helpful to make you know the compiler?
In the list, you can find ‘mpif90’ after installation of OpneMPI

looks like mpi is installed but not in your path. Did you install it with sudo apt install libmpich-dev? If so, you probably need to either 1) open a new terminal or 2) run source ~/.bashrc

I did ‘sudo apt install libmpich-dev’, and it works well. Thanks.
Now SMP and DMP are available.