Building Simulation Solver using Command Line (with post-processing flag)

Hello Developers,

I’m new to MFiX and am having troubles executing the post-processing (or solver build, for that matter) call in command line (there’s likely something I’m overlooking - i.e., not being in the correct directory, not using the correct shell to call the command, etc.). I can build a solver for my simulation in the GUI (with user defined subroutines) but, again, am having troubles using the command line. Could you provide a step-by-step process for how to do such? I apologize if there’s already a post about this, but I didn’t see one through my quick search. Thanks in advance!

Hi @CamHub, welcome to MFiX

We would like to help you but there is not enough information in your post to know what the problem is. Please tell us what platform you are working on, or run the command mfixversioninfo and attach the output.

Normally, build_mfixsolver should suffice.
What commands are you using to build and execute MFiX, and what errors are you getting?

Hi cgw,

I’m using MFiX-24.1.1 through Miniforge. I suppose the question I have is where do I run the command “build_mfixsolver” (plus the postprocessing flag when the time comes for it)? I have knowledge with running other software, but this one seems to be throwing me through a loop. The error I’m encountering is “build_mfixsolver” not being recognized. Thus, I’m left to assume I am running the command in an incorrect directory or powershell. I followed the instructions outlined in the user manual, but I’m not sure where to run the command (hence the problem I’m running into). Hopefully, that helps

You run build_mfixsolver in an environment where MFiX is active - “Miniforge Prompt” in the menu - and then mamba activate mfix-24.1.1 (or conda activate mfix-24.1.1 which does the same thing) - your system prompt should change to something like
(mfix-24.1.1) C:>

Please let us know if you have further questions,

– Charles