Can i get the particle contact information like this? Is it correct?

Hello guys! I hope to get the particle contact information like Fn、Ft and so on, especially the contact information between particles and wall. So, i made some try like the picture below. I add a new line in the file calc_force_dem.f through the keyword “des_usr_var(1,:)=FN(:)”. Is it correct?If it’s not ,please give me some guide.

I guess this is not right. You should figure out the meaning of “:”.
FN is a 3 1 array. but des_usr_var is np1 array. Please check its definition in discreteelement_mod.f
the correct one is
des_usr_var (np,1)= FN(1)
des_usr_var (np,2)= FN(2)
des_usr_var (np,3)= FN(3)
So the usr_scalar tracking shoule be 3.


Thanks for your reply! I will check the discretelement_mod.f
Is it mean this is a three components for normal contact force?

Yes. this FN should belong to a certain cycling and the loop ID indicates the which particle the forces belongs to .
One more thing is that the Fn is accumuluating becases it may collides with many particles.
So please pay attention to the insert location of the command.

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thanks a lot! I will be careful with the insert location.