Can not build solver in 23.1.1

hello everyone,
I used the mfix 23.1.1version to test the case “2D tfm silane pyrolysis reactor”, and when i build the solver in Windows 10, it shows BUILD FAILED as below:

what should i do?

Please submit a full bug report so I can investigate. (Main menu / Submit bug report)

the bug report as below (60.3 KB)

and i get a new computer recentley, and i install the mfix-22.2.2, it comes the same problem.
i wonder if it is the same reason? (64.7 KB)

I see a few problems here:

gfortran:            GNU Fortran (Rev5, Built by MSYS2 project) 5.3.0

GFortran 5.3.0 is too old to build mfix. But it’s odd that there’s no message or anything. We should check the compiler version and print a warning if it is too old.

You can install a newer compiler from conda-forge:

$ conda activate mfix-23.1.1
(mfix-23.1.1)$ conda install -c conda-forge gfortran gcc

Note: you can also add openmpi to the mfix environment the same way.

With a newer compiler, I hit a different error:


   26 |       INCLUDE ''
Fatal Error: Cannot open included file should have been copied to that directory when you created the project. I’m not sure if it’s missing from the project directory or just got skipped over when you created the bug report.

May I ask if your problem is solved? I had the same problem and I install a newer compiler from conda-forge, but building the solver still fails!
Looking forward to your reply, thanks!

hi cgw, it seems cannot solve the problem.

Hi cgw,
i want to use the dmp in mfix-dem,
and i wonder which version of the gfortran/GNUmake/Cmake/openmpi is suitable for mfix-22.2.2/mfix-23.1.1 and mfix23.2?
besides , can intel oneapi hpc toolkit be used for dmp in mfix-dem instead of the openmpi?