Can not open DEM test cases

I am learning DEM theory in dem_doc_2012-1.pdf (, and find some test cases described in this docement are available in MFIX 21.4 new project pane. However, I can not open them, hoping that anyone can help me.

Kind regards

You are trying to create the project in a directory you cannot write to (E:\Anaconda\envs). You should not be creating projects in that directory. When you do ‘New project’, you are presented with a popup to choose the directory. Choose a directory that you own, or have permission to write to.

– Charles

Hi @cgw

I alter the location to a folder where I have run many cases by creating sub-folders. However, it does not work and shows the same warning.



I’m not sure why you are having this problem.
Try resetting preferences: from the main menu, “Settings / Reset”, then exit MFiX and restart.

then exit the app and restart, just to be sure.

Hi @cgw
I have reset and restarted MFIX this like but the solver still show the same warning.


Fortunately, I find the DEM01 project has been built in the specified location. However, when I try to run the default case DEM01.mfx, the solver is unable to run and show an error like this.


In the automatically produced DEM01.LOG file, it has a sentence "DEM particle input file not found!". I check the solid/DEM pane, finding that this error may result from missing of a particle_input.dat file. particle_input.dat file do not in the automatically produced DEM01 project file.


I open MFIX on another computer and meet the same problem. I am not sure how to find the missing particle_input.dat file.

Try checking the box labeled ‘Enable automatic particle generation’ in the DEM tab.

You actually have it shown in that latest image. I was having a similar issue when using the same .mfx file for MFiX versions 21.3.2 and 21.4 (I believe the same problem). This should stop the code from trying to read in the particle file that does not exist.

Thank you Jason. We have to generate particles by ourselves when learning this case.