Cannot create new solid species in MFIX 24.1

Hai Developer,
I am trying to set the new solid species in SQP model (MFIX 24.1). But, I could not create the new solid species evenafter defining its MW, density and specific heat coefficients. The same thing could be done in MFIX 23.4.1. The snap shot of the species creation window is also attached below for your kind notice. As you can see the plot cp and ok buttons are not enabled even I entered all the required data. Kindly check and confirm the procedure I am following here is correct or not.

Thanking you,

Shanmugasundaram D

Hi Shanmugasundaram. Are you the same person as Shanmugam2706 ? It seems you are both working with pine needles. Why do you have two accounts on the forum? Do you want us to merge them?

I am not able to reproduce this error. Once you enter the molecular weight, the red Molecular weight must be > 0 message should go away. Is it possible you typed in the molecular weight but did not hit ENTER or click anywhere else in the window? If so, the MW number was not really entered. Is that what happened? If that’s not it, please give me a procedure for replicating this problem.

– Charles

Hai Charles,
I have sent request for MFIX download from two emails separately long back. Without knowing me, I have created this new topic from the another email account. I am extremely sorry for it. If possible, please merge these two accounts.

Regarding the query raised, I am able to enter new MW for any species. As you rightly mentioned, I have neither clicked any where outside nor pressed enter before. Now, it is working fine. Thanks for your reply.

Shanmugasundaram D