Changing temperature and pressure at the boundary wrt time

I have a real life case that i am trying to copy where the temperature of the gas at the inlet changes with time. I have found the usr1.f UDF and have tried to edit it such that i can change the boundary temperature at will but for some reason it doesn’t seem to work. I have been able to change the velocity at the boundary already but the temperature remains as what was set in the GUI. Can someone explain to me what i am doing wrong? if there are some other function i need to call that i am missing? Thank you.

I am also attaching the udf i was using to make it more clear. usr1.f (2.3 KB)

BC_T_G is only used during the initial setup. At this stage in the simulation, you need to assign T_g(IJK) along the boundary plane.

How to set the inlet gas velocity increasing linearly with time (eg in TFM) - MFiX - NETL Flow Science Software Support (

Excuse me, I have the same problem. Could you please explain it in detail: How to achieve the transient change of inlet temperature?
Thanks a lot