Chemical reaction particle diameter change

I have a question want to ask once, when I was in the simulation of the gas-solid reaction, got the grain diameter changing with reaction results below figure, I want to ask, gas from the bottom of the middle hole, so the diameter of the particles changes should be different, not the same color particles change as a whole, would you please tell me what the solution to the problem, thank you!!! (22.6 MB)

If I understand your question - you expect the particle size to change due to chemical reactions with the fluid phase. and you expect that this change will affect particles at different rates depending on their proximity to the inlet.

I added some monitors, for average particle diameter, and for standard deviation of particle diameter. I then used gnuplot to plot these on the same axes. Note that I multiplied the standard deviation by 1000 to make it visible on the plot. I only ran this up to a simulation time of 0.1s, with the monitor write interval set to 0.0001.

This clearly shows that the particle radius is increasing, as well as the standard deviation. Perhaps the effect is just not enough for you to notice in the visualization - the standard deviation is pretty small (on the order of 1e-10)

Hello, thank you for your reply, I from another point of view, the above problems, found inside from the simulation model for the post-treatment of 0 seconds beginning full of co2 gas, I would like to set up a simulation, the bed is cao particles, co2 gas from the bed at the bottom of the hole, but I have found by processing the results from the model first co2 inside is full of simulation, How to set this one, please (22.6 MB)

Look at the initial conditions. It’s defined as 100% CO2 for the background IC and 70% CO2 for the bed region. There is no other fluid species defined. If you want the simulation to contain air prior to the injection of CO2, then you need to include it - you can get the data from the (built-in) species database:

Also, the CO2 that’s in your attached case has 0 for the heat of formation - I’m not sure why that is, according to the database the value should be -47328.105 and that’s what you would have gotten if you imported the CO2 data from the species database.

Thank you for your help. The problem has been solved. Thank you.