Coal Combustion User Rate File


I was checking usr_rates file of the coal combustion case to use for my case and I saw on line 85:

! Compute gas phase partial pressures (atm)
Pg_atm = P_g(IJK) / 1.013d6

Should not it be d5? 1atm = 101325 Pa?

Are you referencing the SpoutedBedCombustor case under the legacy_tutorials directory? If so, this case uses CGS units where pressure has units of Barye not Pascal.

It is the C_COM_06 case that appears under new case options.

That case uses CGS units too.

Thanks for the explanation. Is there a way to control (turn on/off) this automatic conversion for the future?

The GUI only supports SI units. We are trying to move away from CGS.