Compilation errors in DEM simulations

Hello developers,
I recently submitted a DEM case. I was able to successfully build the solver and run the case using mfix-22.4.3 on a linux system (DMP), but when submitting it for parallel computation for supercomputing, it fails to compile (as shown below). May I ask what is the reason for this? Attached is my case. Looking forward to any possible help! (6.0 MB)

Hi -

I’d like to help but I need more information about the failed compilation to troubleshoot this. The screenshot does not contain enough info. What type of system are you compiling on, what compiler are you using, and what commands are you using to compile MFiX?

Can you capture the entire compilation into a log file ( append `>& build.log to the end of whatever command you are using to compile) and upload the log file here? Thanks.