Could not record video on MFiX 22.4.2

Dear developers,
I am unable to record the video via default build in function of ‘‘create video’’ and giving this error. (271.4 KB)

Hi @majidkhalil

My guess is that this error is coming from the space in the directory name:

C:\Users\Majid Khalil\.conda

In a perfect world, all software would handle spaces in file/directory names. But sadly, we do not live in such a world - you may encounter similar errors with other programs. Best to avoid spaces and other unusual characters in pathnames. Can you rename your home dir to Majid_Khalil?

Having said that - we will fix this for the next release. Thanks for the bug report and sorry for the trouble.

– Charles

I just find that if the video end time <0.001s, then I can’t create a video, just need to increase the end time.
In 22.4.3, I still meet this problem :hamburger:

Hi @orange. I’m not sure I understand your question.

The controls in the GUI don’t allow setting the stop and end time at less than 1ms resolution. Is this causing a problem for you? What are you trying to do? What framerate are you using?

Yes, that’s my problem, I just start to study the MFIX and run it in my laptop, So the simulate time is shorter than 1ms. I try to simulate one single particle impact on the particle layer, the framerate usually use default values 25, sometimes I set it 10.

hi!!! i am also a Chinese student who is learning MFiX recently, do you wanna add we on wechat etc so that we can share our problems and experience? (sorry for the disturbance, it’s just i have no one to learn this together)

We are happy when users help each other. For what it’s worth, you can send direct messages through this forum software.

Hi dear!
Welcome, I am not expert, well we both can learn manything. You may contact over mail address.

This problem solved as I changed my user name to ''Majid".
thanks for support.

This may save you trouble with other apps as well. Like I said, space in filename SHOULD be supported but not all software handles this correctly!

@orange - if you want to try something - with the mfix environment activated, go to


or on Windows


make a backup of the file create_movie.ui and then carefully edit the file
changing the sections around line 128 and 160.

    <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="doubleSpinBox_end">
     <property name="decimals">
     <property name="singleStep">
    <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="doubleSpinBox_start">
     <property name="decimals">
     <property name="singleStep">

if you change the 3 in the line after "decimals" you can get more digits of precision. And you can edit the step size too.

Restart MFiX to apply changes.