Custom solving build failing

I am trying to build a custom solver for my model as it contains a UDF. I have built this solver on my mac already with the same files and it works fine, but i am transferring the files to be run on my windows desktop due to storage space.
When i try to build the custom solver, this message appears in red. Could anybody help me?

Error copying Fortran module “model\mod\ghdtheory.mod”. Tried “model/mod/GHDTHEORY.mod” and “model/mod/ghdtheory.mod”.

model/CMakeFiles/mfixcore.dir/depend.make:187: recipe for target ‘model/CMakeFiles/mfixcore.dir/ghdtheory.mod.stamp’ failed

mingw32-make.exe[2]: *** [model/CMakeFiles/mfixcore.dir/ghdtheory.mod.stamp] Error 1

CMakeFiles\Makefile2:200: recipe for target ‘model/CMakeFiles/mfixcore.dir/all’ failed

mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [model/CMakeFiles/mfixcore.dir/all] Error 2

Makefile:148: recipe for target ‘all’ failed

mingw32-make.exe: *** [all] Error 2

which version of Mfix are you using? I gave similar errors on 20.3.1 and I came back to the version 20.2.1. So, my many problems are solved.

I was using 20.2.1 on my mac, and now 20.3.1 on my desktop. That could be why, I will try installing one of the older versions

@sgcgrif3 are you still getting build errors? I successfully built on Windows just now with MFiX 20.4.2.

  • What model are you trying to build? Are you able to post the project files (including UDFs)?
  • Could you run conda env export > env.yml and post the resuling env.yml file so I can reproduce and test with your conda environment?

I have same issue, could you please help me?
I changed the version but that did not resolve it!

Hi Javad
In general, it’s probably better to start a new thread than re-activate a 3-year old zombie thread on the forum. Next time, start a new topic - for now we can use this thread.

And we need more details if we are going to help you. Go to the main menu, select “Submit bug report”, and upload the resulting ZIP file here.

And also attach the full output of the failed solver build. Thanks.