Cylindrical TFM

I am trying to make a TFM model of a packed bed. For some reason the simulation keeps out putting “negative voind fraction detected” and then the time step becomes too small and it errors out. Does anyone have a solution for this? ill also attach the file i am using. Biomass_TFM.mfx (14.1 KB)

Maybe, try this:
in the Mesher setup: Geometry panel:
Geometry Geometry > Add filter > flip_normals

I forgot to mention that i was able to solve this problem a few weeks ago. My case is running well now.

Thank you.

Please, can you share how did you solved it?

I cant remember my exact methodology in solving this issue but i do have the case available you can take a look at it and see if it helps at all. It simulates a packed bed of glass beads with mass inflow and pressure out flow boundary conditions Biomass_TFM.mfx (15.2 KB)