DEM:Why the particles suspend in the air

Hello everyone,
I have a DEM case which simulates the fluidized bed. (372.2 KB)

Now I have two problems:

  1. the particles stop in the air, neither being blown up, nor going down.
    suspend.avi (994.8 KB)

2)The partile mass increase insteal of decreasing with the chemical reaction going on.

Best Regards!

I found that a few switchs is elusive in this .mfix file:

  1. break_down_solid_inventory_by_phase
  2. ew_young_actual & vw_poisson_actual

I know what is ew_young, which is explained in the dem-doc (R. Garg, J. G., T. Li, and S. Pannala (2012). Documentation of open-source MFIX–DEM software for gas-solids flows.). But what does it mean by “actual”? The user-guide gives an short description, “Used for computing correction terms for DEM conduction”, which makes me more confusing.

There are still quite a lot of the parameters and UDFs are not well defined and should be fixed,

  1. The reaction heat of the water gas shift reaction CO+H2O–> CO2+H2 is 41 KJ/mol, so it should be 41,000,000 J/Kmol.
  2. For this reaction, in the UDF, it write as:
    RATES(Rg_CO) = 0.029 * exp( 3.40d7/(8314*T_g(IJK) ) )
    so this means even though there is no CO and H2O in the reactor, it will still react.
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Thanks you very much for the recommendations!